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Love, forever ♥

Tuesday, January 01, 2013 ♥
2012's happenings ♥ 9:07 PM

Ahh 2012 has already passed in the blink of an eye..
Make it a MUST to list down all the happenings in 2012 so that I will be able to look through when I get older..

1) Officially graduated from NP with a satisfying GPA (well, at least to me)
2) Helped out in Dad's office for about 5 months
3) Traveled quite a bit this year (Malaysia for tomb sweeping festival, Korea with Mummy and sister, Hong Kong with friends, Bangkok with Dad and sisters, Taiwan with Dad, brother and sister)
4) Traveled for the first time with my friends (Jiamin, Dolphin and Bernice) to Hong Kong
5) Stepped out of teenager life and am in my 2x now.
6) Awesome birthday celebration with the love, family, secondary school clique and my BFFs (Dolphin, Jiamin)
7) Spending a lot of quality time with the family
8) Gained quite a bit of weight after starting to exercise (Regretted much T_T)
9) Enrolled myself into SIM - UOL, majoring in Accounting and Finance
10) 3 years with the love ♥
11) 4th year of counting down to New Year with the love
12) Made some new friends
13) Friends gathering - primary/secondary/poly clique, BFFs
14) Advanced Christmas celebration - love, BFFs and Uni clique
15) Attended Super Show 4 and SMTown Live World Tour III in Singapore

2012 has been pretty kind to me & I hope that it will continue this way (perhaps better :P)

Part of 2013..
I am going to turn 21 soon,
& am pretty sad about it..
But well!!
Expecting love to ORD soon and we can spend more quality time together!!
Hopefully we can travel overseas together this year!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 ♥
Happy Valentines Day! ♥ 11:54 AM

To my love:

Happy belated Valentines' Day!!

Here's a post dedicated to you:

Thank you for always being by my side, whenever I met up with any difficulties or whenever I am down.

Thank you for always helping me lug big bags of buyers' item to all my meetup sessions. * although you always put up a black face :P * but deep down I know you are willing to help me.

Thank you for always surprising me with things like my favorite food: 12 cupcakes, choc n spice muffins, eskimo, koi and many more.

Thank you for always paying for all my meals. * really guilty about this *

Thank you for giving me support whenever I need it, encouraging me whenever I have any exams or tests.

Thank you for giving in to me, whenever I have mood swings or whenever I am down.

Thank you for always driving me to and fro from work whenever you can make it.

Thank you for accompanying me for dinner each time I have French class in the night, and waiting for my class to end when you can head home early.

Thank you for accompanying me to every driving lesson (theory/practical) and waiting for me throughout when I was having lessons.

This list will go on and on, I am really grateful to you.

Jiayou in your NS training, just 1 year and 4 months more to go. Remember that I will always be here for you. Lets work hard and walk towards our future.


Tuesday, January 03, 2012 ♥
2011 highlights. ♥ 5:01 PM

2011 has ended in a really quick pace,
well its a pretty AWESOME year!!

make it a point to update my happening for each particular year so that i will be able to know what happen as i grew older.

not in sequence:
1) completed my french and got a DPP though results was not fantastic
2) love got into army and we spent lesser time together :( i guess absence makes the heart grows fonder!! never mind its just 1.5 more years to go!!
3) completed my internship of 5 months, worst memories ever but I guess this kind of increase my perseverance
4) went to Taiwan in August with my mother and sister and Japan with the family
5) spent a lot of quality time with my family
6) love's 21st birthday and my 19th birthday with family, love, xinyi and clique, poly clique
7) fell sick during my 19th birthday
8) spent daddy's birthday on a yacht
9) paid for all my daily expenditure with my internship allowance for 5 months, without getting any from parents :D
10) worked part time for 2 weeks
11) blogshop getting more stable, more orders and customers
12) celebrated secondary school clique's birthday: jinwei, jiayi and yiting
13) met up twice with primary school clique
14) lost a bit of weight but i guess i am gaining them back now

that probably sum up all the highlights in 2011,
& i can say everything went smoothly.

as for 2012,
i will be graduating from ngee ann soon.
will most probably be enrolling myself into SIM.
but before that,
i have decided to help out in my father's company during the long holiday.
no resolutions this year for i definitely wont keep to it :X

Monday, October 17, 2011 ♥
101011 - 151011 ♥ 10:32 AM

Here to clear up the spider webs that have been accumulating at my blog~
Going to do a lil update on happenings last week :D

A happy week spent with love during his 1 week block leave,
Was a sweet treat for me before school reopen.
Went to many places , ate a lot of food and did many things as planned.
Shall start updating from Monday till Saturday (101011 - 151011)

101011 ; Monday
Met up with love in the morning,
Headed to Amoy for some goooooooooood food.
Missed the food there as I used to have them a lot while having my internship over there,
Well guess its all memories but only on the food!!
Had char kuay teow , the well raved phad thai and of course frieddddd rice!!
Got some kuehs after that and love drove me home as I need to head to Gleneagles for my review results.
Shall not disclose the results here~

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Portion suitable for 2 pax @ only $3 !!
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111011 ; Tuesday
A day where we set it for me to shop for some new school clothing after months of work clothing.
Covered many places in orchard but only got a few things which was far from what i expected!!
Dinner was settled @ 2D1N Soju Bang which we long wanted to go but was always turned off by the huge crowd.
Got determined to wait for table this time as I have been there with my siblings but not love.
Didn't want to make a wasted trip down.
Anyway the marinated meat , sausage and watermelon was FAB!! :D
But the minus point was the place was not well ventilated and we reeked of BBQ smell and oiliness on our hair after eating.

New found flavored popcorn - tom yum (my fave!), cheddar cheese, sour cream and onion
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Some pix whilst waiting outside 2D1N:
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BBQ-ing yummilicious sausages and chicken:
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Love doing the cooking:
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Cutting up the huge pieces of meat into bite sizes for it to cook faster and for easy consumption:
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Unglamorous me eating:
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Satisfied after a nice and full meal:
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121011 ; Wednesday
Another shopping trip for me but this time round its at Bugis~
Accompanied love to get things done @ Singtel before heading down to Bugis.
Finally brought my laptop for servicing and fixing after more than a year of procrastination.
Went to the temple to pray next and headed to Bugis Street for some light shopping.
Oh yaaaaaaaa there's this colorful bubble milk tea shop at Bugis and it tasted good!!
Look out for the shop which sells colorful pearls~
Also got to try the takoyaki balls from the shop beside KOI and weeeeeeeeeeeeeell,
I kinda like the taste as its not as strong compared to others !! :D

Sogurt from the newly opened shop @ Westmall:
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Honey Lemon:
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Look @ the colorful pearls (not very obvious)!!
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131011 ; Thursday
After a week of gorging and eating and stuffing myself madly,
Finally decided on a game of badminton.
Have been deciding on going with love but after months and months of laziness,
We kind of dropped this idea and only got to do it now~
Booked the court @ YCK CC and played for an hour with sufferings of muscle and back ache after math.
That's the consequences of not exercising for a year :X


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Looking like a boy:
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Whilst waiting for our food:
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Looked at how he bullies me!!
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Not-so-sweet teh tarik:
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Cheese Egg prata:
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Ultra huge Mushroom Cheese:
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Favorite Yami Yogurt's Peach flavor take home pack!! :D
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141011 ; Friday
Initial plan was to head for cycling at ECP followed by the well raved Bah Chor Mee at Bedok 85 but I was too lazy and my body was aching like mad so ............ IT WAS RETAIL THERAPY FOR ME AGAIN !! * waves confetti in the air *
Lunch was @ KFC after craving it for many weeeeeeeks and I had to refrain myself from eating to avoid getting a bad sore throat.
Had some vouchers on hand and thus I can shop without spending much money! :D
An impromptu decision to dine @ Kimly Live Seafood as I had craving for their tofu!!
Glad to have love who always give in to me regardless of what I wanted to eat, where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do~

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New item on the menu (Pasta Shrimp):
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Got a free balloon while walking t FEP:
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Don't kill me when you see this!! :P
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Signature Tofu:
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Kung Fu ribs:
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151011 ; Saturday
Last day for both love and I to spend it together before he needs to book in on the following Monday.
Meetups with buyers was held just like any other Saturday.
Decided to spend it by cooking Seafood Aglio Olio and Cheesy Chicken Meatballs together at his house.
End result was surprisingly delicious just a tad too salty.

Lunch @ Westmall's Koufu:
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Does this look appealing to you? :D
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Shall end the lengthy post here.
Till the next! :D